How to polish your silver jewelry

You got yourself a little polishing cloth at the jewelry store. But you think it doesn't work very well? The problem might be that no one taught you how to use that cloth.

There are really only 3 things to remember and actually, it is really better if I just show you… (tips below if you want to skip the 4-minute video).

To review:

  1. Rest the hand holding your jewelry on a table (not up in the air)

  2. Rub one side at a time, with medium pressure (so not so hard you can’t hold your hand up, but enough that you feel the pressure.)

  3. Go s_l_o_w_l_y. This is a take your time activity, not for when you are racing out the door.

That is seriously it. After you are done, you probably want to wash your jewelry in warm water and soap. Also your hands; if the polishing is going well you probably have grubby fingers.

If you did all that and it doesn’t seem to make a difference you might have a crappy cloth. Sorry. A lot of them are. The one I use in the video is widely available, including from me (in my Etsy shop).

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!